The eyes have it – wonderful cucumber!

Known for centuries to reduce eye puffiness, cucumber has so many health benefits for both skin and body. Let’s explore some of those benefits.

Cucumis Sativus – the humble cucumber. High in fibre and super high in water content (about 96%), cucumber in the diet can help the digestive system work more efficiently, and….well….get things moving!

But what we really love here at Rubifresh skincare is its magic abilities for improving the health of our skin. Cucumber is rich in Vit C, which is a very powerful antioxidant, increasing collagen and elastin production, and hence, smoothing out the skin. The ascorbic acid and caffeic acid reduce water retention, and this is why cucumber has been used for centuries to reduce eye puffiness. And if that wasn’t enough to get you excited, it’s antioxidant and natural silica content helps fade dark circles around the eyes.

As we know, cucumber is easy to come by and worth using fresh on the eyes or in the diet, but if you want to experience the combined benefits of the lovely cucumber and it’s anti-aging partners in crime, grab a luxurious all-natural Rubifresh Eye Gel for an on the go anti-aging refresher. Find it here.

Rubiwomen is written by Tristan Fahey, owner/founder at Rubifresh natural skincare.