Exfoliation without the drying


In our journey to understand beauty, skin and all things natural, we have discovered many amazing things about how to optimise the beauty that nature gave us. Things about our skin, about ingredients, and many other fascinating aspects of building healthier skin.

One of the stand-outs is the impact exfoliation has on the prevention of aging on our skin. When we are young, our skin renews itself every 30days or so. Once we are over 40, this process of renewal takes more like 60days! So we need some extra help shedding the layers of dead skin cells which cause dullness and uneven skin tone, and make it more difficult for us to maintain that youthful glow.

Enter the exfoliator or scrub!

Many scrubs actually strip the skin dry as they exfoliate. Rubifresh Cranberry Face Scrub and Jasmine Face Scrub for sensitive skin were purposefully created from an organic moisturising base, using gentle clays and exfoliation, to ensure both a gentle scrub and avoidance of drying on the skin. 

Whenever you choose a scrub or exfoliator, make sure you choose a gentle one and only scrub 2-3 times a week unless you have quite oily skin. And avoid plastic microbeads.

Our Cranberry Face Scrub contains delicious cranberry and mint, alongside the clays and pumice, and will leave the skin refreshed as well as exfoliated. Jasmine Scrub is for more sensitive skin and uses jojoba beads as the key exfoliating ingredient.